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Mandatory Course

Who must take the Mandatory Course?

There are strict guidelines about who must complete the Mandatory Course.

  1. All new admittees to the D.C. Bar (Active and Inactive)
    • Must be completed within 12 months of admission to be in compliance with the Court Rule
    • Failure to comply within 14 months of admission will result in administrative suspension
  1. Certain Inactive members switching to Active status
    • Holding an Inactive status for five years or more and wishing to switch status to Active
  1. Certain Suspended members
    • Holding a Suspended status for five years or more
  1. Certain Resigned and Retired members
    • Holding a Resigned or Retired status for five years or more and wishing to reinstate to Active status
  1. Judicial members switching to Active status
  1. Any member who has held any combination statuses other than Active (Inactive, Judicial, Inactive/Retired, Suspended) for five years or more

What happens if I do not complete the Mandatory Course before the deadline? (Noncompliance)

  • Suspension from practice of law in the District of Columbia
  • Notice of administrative suspension is sent to the Courts of the District of Columbia
  • You must notify your clients of your suspension
  • You must withdraw your representation in any cases filed in the D.C. Courts
  • If you reinstate, you must pay a reinstatement fee
  • Administrative suspensions become a permanent part of your membership record
  • During the period of administrative suspension, engaging in the practice of law in the District of Columbia is prohibited

What is the curriculum of the Mandatory Course?

While the curriculum may vary slightly for each session, it includes:  

  • D.C. Rules of Professional Conduct 
  • District of Columbia System for Regulation of Attorney Conduct 
  • How to Fulfill Pro Bono Obligations 
  • District of Columbia Court Practice 
  • D.C. Bar Non-Disciplinary Regulatory Programs 
  • District of Columbia Administrative Practice 

You must attend or view the Course in full to receive a Certification of Completion.

Do you have special accommodations for individuals with disabilities?

Pursuant to applicable law, any individual with a disability, or any other individual who requires reasonable accommodations as required by individual circumstances to access the Mandatory Course may request assistance by submitting a written statement to the D.C. Bar, ATTN: Mandatory Course Accommodations, 901 4th Street NW, Washington, DC 20001, or by email to [email protected]. Deadline for receipt of request is at least three business days before registration for the Course.

For compliance purposes, there will be random codes visually displayed in large font and announced out loud. Attendees will have to capture and provide these codes at the conclusion of the course. We offer closed captioning for hearing impaired members. For more information, please contact the CLE Program by email at [email protected].

What is the MCLE accreditation of the Mandatory Course?

The on-demand Mandatory Course has been approved for 4.0 total CLE credit hours, including 3.0 legal ethics credits.

The in-person Mandatory Course has been approved for 5.0 total CLE credit hours, including 3.5 legal ethics credits.

Please submit your state’s attorney registration/bar number when you access the on-demand Mandatory Course within your D.C. Bar account.

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